About me

I am a fifth year applied math PhD student at North Carolina State University. My main research involves global sensitivity analysis and uncertainty quantification for models that have high-dimensional inputs, function-valued outputs, are computationally expensive, stochastic, or some combination there in. I have experience working with both biological and physical models, including applications involving infectious diseases and multiphase multicomponent subsurface flow. I have spent two years as a graduate summer intern for Sandia National Labs (SNL) in Albuquerque, NM, where I collaborated on research in material sciences. I also really enjoy rock climbing, ultimate frisbee, and spending time with my Corgi, Vladimir (pictured with me, right).

Research Interests

  • Numerical analysis, Numerical linear algebra
  • Scientific computing
  • Uncertainty quantification, Global sensitivity analysis
  • Surrogate modeling, Spectral methods
  • Model parameter reduction, Parameter estimation

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    1. Helen Cleaves, Alen Alexanderian, Bilal Saad. Structure Exploiting Methods for Fast Uncertainty Quantification in Multiphase Flow Through Heterogeneous Media. Submitted, 2020. [ preprint ]
    2. Helen Cleaves, Alen Alexanderian, Hayley Guy,Ralph C. Smith , Meilin Yu. Derivative-based Global Sensitivity Analysis for Models with High-dimensional Inputs and Functional Outputs. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 41(6), A3524–A3551, 2019. [ preprint  | journal ]